1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Definitions
Youth: Any person under the age of 18 years.
Abuse: Physical, sexual, emotional, or exploitation abuse, as defined in section 4 of this policy.
Physical Abuse: Any act causing physical harm to a youth.
Sexual Abuse: Any act of a sexual nature involving a youth.
Emotional Abuse: Actions causing serious behavioural, cognitive, emotional, or mental harm.
Exploitation: Taking advantage of a youth for personal gain.
Neglect: Failure to provide for the basic needs of a youth.
Organisational Personnel: All individuals working or volunteering with Just Brands Africa.
4. Principles
Zero Tolerance: Just Brands Africa has zero tolerance for the abuse and exploitation of youth.
Best Interests: All actions concerning youth will prioritise their safety, well-being, and rights.
Non-Discrimination: All youth have the right to protection irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, or other status.
5. Prevention Measures
Policies and Procedures: Implementation of comprehensive safeguarding policies and procedures.
Staff Selection: Rigorous screening and background checks for all personnel working with youth.
Training: Regular training for personnel on safeguarding policies and procedures.
Youth Engagement: Involvement of youth in discussions about their safety and well-being.
6. Reporting and Response
Reporting Mechanisms: Establishment of confidential and accessible reporting channels for youth to report concerns.
Response Plan: Immediate investigation and response to any reported incidents of abuse or exploitation.
Support: Provision of support and protection for youth involved in any reported incidents.
7. Specific Responsibilities
Board of Directors: Ultimate accountability for safeguarding within the organisation.
Chief Executive Officer: Ensuring the implementation and compliance with this policy.
Information Officer: Handling reports of abuse and ensuring adherence to legal and policy requirements.
All Personnel: Adhering to safeguarding policies, reporting concerns, and undergoing regular training.
8. Code of Conduct
Prohibited Actions: Abuse, exploitation, discrimination, or any form of harm towards youth.
Required Actions: Respectful and protective behaviour, maintaining professional boundaries, and reporting any concerns or suspicions of abuse.
9. Implementation and Monitoring
Regular Reviews: Periodic review and update of the safeguarding policy to ensure its effectiveness.
Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of safeguarding practices and compliance within the organisation.
10. Informed Consent
Youth Participation: Ensuring that youth are informed about and consent to participation in programmes and activities.
Use of Personal Information: Obtaining written consent for the use of personal information and images of youth.
11. Confidentiality
Data Protection: Safeguarding personal information of youth and ensuring it is only disclosed in accordance with legal requirements and organisational policies.
12. Disciplinary Action
Sanctions: Immediate suspension and potential termination of personnel found guilty of abuse or exploitation.
Legal Action: Referral to law enforcement agencies for criminal investigation if necessary.
How to contact us
Information Officer:
Francois van Louw
T: +27 73 102 4961
Deputy Information Officers:
Nicholas Manuel
T: +27 76 546 7153
Ben Henning
Nicholas Curtin
T: +27 79 919 6543